Friday, April 27, 2012

"The Mediterranean Diet"

I recently got the book, "The Mediterranean Diet" by Marissa Cloutier and Eve Adamson.   I am about half way through it.  It is a decent book about nutrition and the Mediterranean way of eating.   The diet which is quite popular these days is actually not a whole lot different than the Ornish Diet.   Throughout the book the writers refer to it as an almost vegetarian diet.  This it truly is.   You are allowed 1 serving of meat per WEEK, and 1 serving of fish per WEEK.    The main differences between the two diet plans are with Ornish you are supposed to try to eat very low FAT, with the Mediterranean Diet you are allowed to eat some healthy fats, through seeds, nuts, olive oils.. etc.
On the Mediterranean Diet similar to Ornish, you are allowed very small amounts of cheese..

Here is a picture of the food pyramid that is a basic to the diet.