Monday, August 11, 2014


Have you heard of VB6 ? I do not mean Visual Basic 6. VB 6 means vegan before 6. It is an eating lifestyle, not a diet, where you eat vegan before 6 pm every day. You avoid processed junk food.. No sugar, white flour..etc..before 6 pm. Mark Bittman has two books out on it. The recipes are will not miss meat and dairy.... Really... What is nice about VB6 is the sensible approach.. Moderation. You can switch it up and have breakfast be your after 6 meal..just skip meat and dairy with dinner.

So far I have tried Sweet Green Quinoa Salad...fantastic.

Peas and Carrots Salad, and homemade whole wheat bread... I plan on making more... They are all wonderful...filling such that you will forget about missing meat and cheese.


Not only is this eating change good for you but it also helps the planet!