Does the Mediterranean Diet work ? I imagine it does. About a year and a half ago I went vegetarian at the urgent request of one of my sons. He does not like the idea that animals die for his food. Without even trying I lost over 5 pounds.. bad habits and all. I imagine if you got rid of bad snacking habits and eliminated foods with a lot of added sugar you would do even better. (We still ate lots of cookies, poptarts, ice cream..etc... stuff you definitely try to cut down on when losing weight ).
According to this book the average woman needs 50 grams of protein a day. Unless you eat a lot of beans and soy products without the diary or meat, how will you fulfill this ? I guess nuts have some protein. The "Eat More Weigh Less" book by Dr. Ornish, helps to answer this question.. Actually vegetables do contain some protein.. most of the time just a couple of grams though. Broccoli - 1 stalk has about 5.6 grams, Brussel Sprouts about 5 grams, 1 Cup of corn - 4.3 grams, 1 cup of okra 4.1 grams. 1 cup of cauliflower - 3.4 grams. 1 cup of green peas - 8 grams. Brown Rice 1 cup - 4.9 grams..
Sounds like a lot of vegetables to get your protein.. unless you add beans and dairy which kick it up a lot...
I wonder how Vegans do it ? Lots of beans I guess. Here is a link to one answer:
Mariluu Henner, a famous actress, was on a talk show the other day. She is a Vegan, She is 60.. and looks incredible. If eating vegan can help a person look like her, then I am all for it.