I am trying to lose weight my husband is helping me. I am going to use the Atkins diet. In the past I have used this and it has served us well. I also find that the high protein helps to keep my sugar in check. Pre-diet if I eat all carbohydrates and no sugar in the morning, I get a real sugar low in the afternoon.. shakes..etc. So this a big part of my reason for Atkins. The first day went OK.. with the exception of one of my guys shoving jelly beans in my mouth.. I only ate two before I begged him to stop. Ughhh. Oh well. I need to remember you aren't supposed to eat nuts during the induction phase.
Together we are doing weight training, yoga, and as much cardio as time and circumstances will allow. The weight training and yoga will be light at first.. but more later on. I have some yoga cards.. 15 minute yoga in a box. I really like this set, I can put the card on the shelf and practice the poses easily.